Exploring the Intersection of NLP and Psychic Development
In my journey of exploring the depths of human consciousness and potential, I have delved into numerous studies and a wealth of literature. During part of this journey, I supported my partner in developing her psychic skills however, we often…

Self Mastery Coaching
Coaches often forget that the person that needs to be coached and developed the most is themselves. As you continue your coaching or NLP journey a deeper goal is to develop mastery within ourselves. Hence I wrote this short article on Self Mastery…

Our Next Discover & Experience NLP Sessions
All face to face training, like this beautiful one here, is on hold until......
Due do demand from our graduates and their friends we started training virtually.
We gave 2-3 months of free training then started launching online training…

Self Mastery Process
In Webster's dictionary self mastery is defined as the ability to control one's own desires or impulses. Psychologists call it self-discipline or self-control, and it's the ability to get yourself to consistently behave in ways…

NLP Kunming Yunnan Province China
Neuro Linguistic Programming(NLP)in relationship - 改善人际关系沙龙 - NLP Kunming
原创: Adrian Cahill KAIKIBU开启步 NLP Kunming Yunnan Province China你的生活质量取决于你的人际关系的质量。伟大的关系 = 伟大的人生。The…

15 Suggestions for sleeping easier (and more naturally)!
This is a collection of over 15 suggestions for easier natural sleep. For years I've struggled. Far more so when I've had a lot going on in my life. I've tried a variety of things and read a lot. This is all from my experimenting and reading. Everything here, in my opinion, is powerful.

NVC China: Coaching lessons to communicate and get what you really want
My first experience with Non-Violent Communication was through an Executive Coach I had hired to assist me with balancing some stressful issues I was handling. I hired this Coach as I was really curious what it could do for me and one of the biggest things I learned is that I was communicating rather ‘roughly’ or not seeing ‘eye to eye’ with some people in my life. Anyhow, I got through the situation, got a positive result but knew there was still more to go. A year or two later I watched the Coach deliver a workshop on NVC. Later getting some books and audio programmes to deepen my learnings. Here are my translations and short form of the topic.

Reducing Reactivity to WIN in Life
It’s amazing, even world champions can find themselves reacting to challenging or even little things. I’m completely guilty of overreacting very often in my relationship with my wife and sometimes simple things in a social media group would ‘trigger’ me and set me off in a rage. Many of my clients shared the same struggle. One of them, a C-Suite Executive, very successful career-minded woman, asked me for a solution and we ‘coached’ on it regularly as she changed her direction in life. Yet what I’m about to share, is ‘next level’. I’ve shared this with clients in 2017-18 and they have greatly reduced re-activity in days! So this is super powerful stuff if you implement it.

Is mBraining available in Shanghai China
UPDATE date - 28/11/19 Running a amazing online course, 5 people are about to complete and holding a 9 day NLP Coaching Practitioner Retreat with ICF Credentials. Anyone wanting Training, call me quick price is going up each month. Will hold…

The Business Coach Vs. Executive Coach in China.
28/11/19 Running an amazing online course, 5 people are about to complete and holding a 9 day NLP Coaching Practitioner Retreat with ICF Credentials. Anyone wanting Training, call me quick price is going up each month. Will hold a Master…

Leadership development in China is missing the point
As an x-soldier serving on various deployments in places like Afghanistan and running my first team in 'hot' live-action filled places, most people would say I might know a thing or two about Leadership. This includes Leadership Development…

PSYCH-K in Australia, by Bruce Lipton - The Psychology of Belief
Hi all. I just completed PSYCH-K training in Australia. I will be using PSYCH-K in Australia and the Asian Cities I work in. I plan to use it as a complimentary service, tool or methodology offered/used for my clients in turning obstacles…

PSYCH-K in China, as mentioned by Bruce Lipton in the Psychology of Belief
28/11/19 Running an amazing online course, 5 people are about to complete and holding a 9 day NLP Coaching Practitioner Retreat with ICF Credentials. Anyone wanting Training, call me quick price is going up each month. Will hold a Master Practitioner…

How to raise awareness of money beliefs or blockages?
Three simple steps to raise awareness of money beliefs or blockages:
Step 1: Raise Awareness
Open a notepad or word document. Complete these twelve sentences about money, wealth and riches to uncover the key elements of your current unconscious…

Spiral Dynamics. The purpose of YOUR life, and society.
I wrote this up in 2014 and still talk about it regularly. It is one of the most amazing and comprehensive models I've ever come across and it I hope it will blow your mind as much as it has mine. I can see on slide share that it has been viewed…

A Scientific Explanation of Yin and Yang
You may be reading this because you stumbled upon my page or perhaps your fascinated with East to West methodologies. Or perhaps some other reason but, either way it boils down to this:Yin and Yang is a simple concept. One of the biggest…

Lessons in Positive Psychology, the MPR.
Metaphoric Positive Reframe,
A technique for the entrepreneurs, positive leaders or anyone interested in positive psychology.
Have you ever wondered what other people or perhaps society thinks about your strengths? For about $15USD…

8 Simple tips on finding your life purpose:
One of my clients was asking me about helping them with finding their life purpose. It's actually a question I encounter regularly and from my experience, it's a much bigger challenge then it first appears. But once people are more aware of…

How to improve social confidence, and meet new people daily!
8 years ago I was a complete nobody. I had hardly any friends. I struggled to talk to new people, couldn't talk to strangers and certainly couldn't talk to the opposite sex. My Social Confidence was at all time lows. Once I learned how…

(Neuro) Logical Levels explained by a NLP Coach
Neuro Logical Levels (or Neurological levels) is one of the most interesting frameworks I have ever seen in the Coaching / Personal Development world. It is in my opinion the best NLP Coaching Model to date.Regardless if you're working as…

What is NLP Anchoring
In this article, we are going to cover the basics of NLP Anchoring. Perhaps you will get some insight to how to improve or use this in your daily life. By the end you will know the various forms of anchors and how you can set one.What is…

Removing negative thought patterns through Power Emotions.
Recently I was asked by a client in Shanghai about removing negative thought patterns. In fact, I'm kinda asked this a lot however not always so directly.
Removing negative thought patterns:
One might wonder how good it would be to remove…

Relationship Coaching: For women, and perhaps, men.
Hi there, this article was originally written for my female friends in Shanghai. This is extremely relevant to women and perhaps men everywhere however I wrote it for Shanghai women in particular because this city is simply so dry on available…

How Charging or Charging more adds Value: Free Versus Paid Content
This is a free blog write up, you didn't pay for it and, sure, you can access or find much more. So why would you want to pay for a course or for full access to all the materials on my site? Or why would someone pay to access your site, for…

Examples of Coaching in Kuala Lumpur
The saying goes, “Learn from those who have done it”. When it comes to Adrian it’s all experience. Being able to leave his full time job and travel for over 4 years before the age of 28 is an accomplishment most people dream of at the…
How to hire a coach: And the $$$ Questions
How to hire a coach may seem simple but it's often not. So this is an article for those looking at hiring me or any coach. Here I will share how to hire a coach, and valuable insights. Really upfront and honest is my favourite approach to most…

What is NLP
NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming):
A science, approach, attitude and methodology behind communication, personal development and success.
To put it most simply, have you ever been at university and thinking, OMG this is so theoretical,…

Online Education: The Future Is Here
Education is the greatest wealth one could ever have. But because of economic crisis, education has become more of a privilege than a right. There are also cases that one becomes part of the privileged, but chose to waste the opportunity of…

The Essence of Delayed Gratification
Delayed Gratification: FOCUS ON THE FUTURE – NOT THE PRESENTAfter spending a lot of time in Buddhist countries and reading a lot about spirituality taught me to focus on the present with what's happening right now! Well, OK I tried that...…

Focus and the Art of Saying No
You can never be productive if you take on too many commitments, you just extend yourself too thin and will not be capable of getting everything done. It’s the simple TRUTH. We all like to do so many things, all at once. Especially the driven,…

If you use Power Point for presentations or give workshops check this out
If you use Power Point for presentations. You should really check this out. Tired of boring presentations? Or are you tired of presentations that could be great only the Power Point Presentation (PPT) puts you to sleep.The other…

Great and Easy Tool: Create a MIND MAP
A mind map is a graphical way to symbolize thoughts and concepts. It is an image thinking that helps structuring information, better evaluation, understand, create, remember and produce new ideas. Mostly, mind mapping avoids boring and linear…

Mindset Strategies For Effective Dating. (If you're single this is a must read!)
Short read which will dramatically help you boost your dating life just by changing your mindset.
This will take 3 to 15 minutes depending on if you really do the activity and make the decision. Or just 3 minutes if you read it, yet you may…

Name Memory Techniques
Having troubles recalling people's names? It happens to almost every person from time to time. Some people easily forget and some have sharp memory. Which side do you want to be on? Since we are babies until we become adults, we are hearing…

Best Mobile Phone Applications for efficiency, personal development and keeping fit
Mobile phone applications can do much more than just entertain us. Being a Personal Development specialist I love using my Smart Phone to enhance my life. Sure my phone can't make me a coffee, however it can be used to help me keep fit and on…

21 Day Theory
The 21 day theory is something I teach my clients and friends on a regular basis! I have used 21 day theory on myself to develop habits such as drinking a glass of ice water every morning, choosing salads over chips and brushing my teeth…

If you use your computer a lot or at night read this
F.lux is a simple program you can install on your computers, Ipads, Iphones to help you sleep at night. By adjusting your computers brightness and contrast, or reducing Blue Light.Generally we have our screens bright at day time. F.lux http://stereopsis.com/flux/ is…

Conquering Human Nature
I regularly tell people being a millionaire is pretty easy, it really is. However it takes regular committed work, and you have to conquer human nature. This is why most people don't do it.
What is human nature?
Well human nature is the…
Gandhi's Top 10 Fundamentals for Changing the World
You cannot see the change around yourself until you change yourself. That's what Gandhi's fundamentals are all about. Read through these, follow and start to see the change. Top 10 Fundamentals for Changing the World of…
How I keep lean and fit while backpacking.
Look, you may wonder why I write about this but it's incredibly important to me.I'll never forget returning home after my 2nd year of backpacking. I meet my friend Maxy from New Zealand. One of the worlds wildest backpackers. And we are…

7 Habits of Highly Effective People
28/11/19 Running an amazing online course, 5 people are about to complete and holding a 9 day NLP Coaching Practitioner Retreat with ICF Credentials. Anyone wanting Training, call me quick price is going up each month. Will hold a Master…

The Holistic Trial Balance
Firstly let me remind you, richness is not just term that means having a lot of money. And I think this is where people often go wrong.I know this because, this is exactly where I went wrong.And this cost me ...Over half of everything…

Core Skills for how to achieve more success
This was taken from a success seminar I attended. I've expanded it and shared it with you. Perhaps it could help those wanting to know how to achieve more success. These…

Lose weight and get fit by changing one thing on your phone. Is it possible?
6 July 2012.Hi everybody! Many people have asked me for help on how to improve specific and general areas of their life. Health and how to lose weight are the common issues.It's easy to give good strategies; however after our…

Using NLP and water to slim down easily
Here is some advice I originally received from a healthy fitness fanatic friend. It's really simple and will help you slim down. Are you ready for it? It's not really hard and complex.I wrote this around 2011 and just updated it! This is…