How to hire a coach may seem simple but it’s often not. So this is an article for those looking at hiring me or any coach. Here I will share how to hire a coach, and valuable insights. Really upfront and honest is my favourite approach to most things in life.
Spending money on yourself is one of the best investments you can make provided you are likely to get a good return. Investing in books or online courses can be great investments if you action what you read and really implement it. Although people are often telling me reading or online courses rarely get them long term results. Often people suffer procrastination and fear of actually pursuing big goals, therefore for those people, buying more literature can be another form of procrastination. A way to keep busy, keeping up the appearance of progress meanwhile avoiding the tough questions we often need to ask ourselves.
I believe you can, but if you could, you already would.
There are various types of coaching and just briefly, I see life coaching as the basis. The most abstract. Business, Executive, Relationship, Leadership Coaches as those focusing in on the specifics. In my opinion, one should start abstract, grasp a solid big picture, build a solid foundation, then focus in on the specifics in a logical highly effective sequence. It’s pointless focusing on a relationship, business or role that doesn’t fit with your values or lead to your mid-long term objectives.
How to hire a coach: ROI, Return On Investment?
Good coaching should ideally give you a return at least 5 times the size of your investment. Just as surfing lessons initially cost, but save you tons of time (and potentially save you from getting dumped hard on a shallow reef and breaking your back).
It’s obviously hard to measure the value of being …… Fulfilled. Or satisfied with life…
There have been countless studies by the International Coaching Federation (ICF) showing the returns. One client of mine went from a break-up in a mismatched relationship to getting engaged with a great match in 6 months. Another recently made his first million. Many have changed jobs/careers. Some have saved their relationship. One is about to take list their company on the stock market.
How to hire a coach: Do people regret coaching?
Honestly, I think some do. I hear this a lot and 95% of the time the coaches were not accredited. The ICF is the worlds largest coaching body, however, anyone can call themselves a coach or author, motivational speaker, CEO, founder etc. My 3-year-old daughter can claim all those titles whenever she comes back from daycare.
Many self-proclaimed coaches, guru’s, experts have had little to no specific training. To me, these many of these untrained coaches are like washed up surf bums selling themselves at the tourist carpark pretending they are pro’s. They could have possibly been pro’s. Often you can recognise them by a Bali or beachside video or selfies next to a sporst car…..
If you are a coach, simply ask to see their Linkedin profile and ICF Accreditation (My Linkedin profile is here). This will dramatically reduce the chances and the ICF also provides an avenue for any problems if it falls apart. I see a lot of complaints about coaches after attending events like Tony Robbins. The complaints are always unaccredited coaches.
How to hire a coach: What to look for?
- Training. A great coach is often trained in NLP. They should have a Practitioner, Master Practitioner or NLP Trainers Certificate. This is a core set of skills which lead to accelerated results. (Tony Robbins is a high-level expert in NLP, note he also sells some of the cheapest training available online however his certifications are not really valued much outside of his fan base)
- ICF (International Coaching Federation) Accreditation. ICF is the worlds biggest coaching body. There are many cheap online courses and books available on coaching but to get the ICF credential is quite some work. There is strict credentialing procedures so few make it all the way. If Coaches make it through you will see them using the ICF logo and one of the following 3 levels ACC, PCC, or MCC. Please note there is also the EMCC (European Mentoring and Coaching Council) which is the European equivalent, only applicable for coaches focused on or with Europeans. I personally went out and got this as maybe half of my online clients are European and I look forward to running training in Europe towards 2020.
- Ideally, the coach should have a background or understanding in those things you’re striving for. They do not need experience in your industry. That could be a roadblock. What is optimal is if they have helped support others through the challenges you are faced with.
- Money Back Guarantee. I often offer a money back guarantee on the condition that the person being coached, turns up. No turning up, no refund. Often clients may struggle and it wouldn’t be fair to offer a such a simple way out. Imagine if gyms did this! Therefore my money back guarantee is simply based on the client turning up regularly. No one gets results going to the gym once a month. Subscribe to a set of sessions, turn up weekly or fortnightly, results guaranteed.
- A track record of successful clients. This track record should be open and publicly displayed on Linkedin. Yes I’m sure there are some good coaches without Linkedin but really, is your serious about what you do your profile should reflect it. Please note, it’s common for many people to play the fake it game. Hence why I always encourage Linkedin. Also note, many new coaches can and will work happily for a low fee to gain experience and develop.
A final quick and simple sign for a good coach or a good doctor for that matter, the first call is substantial.
How to hire a coach: But I don’t have a budget.
Seeking a coach is a great form of investment in yourself yet most people don’t have the budget for it.
I’ll tell you who. They worlds top performers, athletes and executives do. Successful small, medium, big, business owners, CEO’s and partners often do.
But you probably don’t.
That’s ok, it’s not your fault.
Did you go to university? Do you know how much people spend on attending university? Often they can’t afford it, but they find a way.
After all, spending xxx,xxx on University plus x years studying. Suddenly investing in your own coach is something you can’t afford not to do.
You spent x years studying. X years working. Why not spend 1 year with a coach focused on working for you!
Can you really afford NOT TO BE WORKING ON YOUR IMPROVING YOUR OWN LIFE. Instead of ‘How to hire a coach’, perhaps it should have been called ‘How can you not have a coach’.
How to hire a coach: My costs as at November 2017.
For an ICF PCC level coach with Masters in NLP, the standard company rate in China varies from ¥3000-6000 per hour. For most of my clients this is simply too much so I have highest to lowest cost below.
My preferred way of working is ¥88,000 or $13,888 USD for a full year. This covers EVERYTHING for the year including calls to my team! My Relationships Coach and Mindfulness Coach will be available for you. A headset to monitor and train your self to go to deep levels of powerful meditation in between (and sometimes during) our sessions will be sent to your home upon starting. This option guarantees long term change. If you use the headset and train at least an hour a week I will completely back pathway with a money back guarantee. This coaching option is by application only. To be eligible, one should be earning over ¥40,000 a month or a founder of a business with employees.
Individual Coaching/Mentoring Strategy Sessions are available for purchase for ¥2,000 a session
If purchasing 3 or more sessions, a discount of 10-30% is available.
If purchasing 8 or more sessions, a discount of 20-50% is available.
Discount to be discussed.
For those earning under ¥25,000 per month, or limited savings, I have trainee coaches, mindfulness coaches and psychologist that may be available to assist. (I’ve personally also coached for an exchange of services, for example, I coached an electrical company in my hometown and they did electrical work for one of my properties). Or sometimes I’ll do a discount if all the ‘coaching’ is done in specific times (or gaps in my schedule). So please just let me know what may work for you. Everyone can grow with a coach.
To schedule a virtual chat to discuss pathways, please click here:
For booking strategy sessions (upto 90 minutes), please click here:
Big hug