Are you having thoughts like:

I’m not worth as much as I desire?

Perhaps I’m not smart enough to attract high paying clients, or attract the wealth I rightfully desire in life?

Wondering how can I feel more abundant when I’m not as abundant as I like.

Perhaps wanting to spend money freely without feeling guilt, shame or stress?

What’s the point in accruing money anyway if I can’t enjoy spending some of it and feel good doing so.

Do you find yourself associating a lot of negative emotions (like selfishness, lack of solidarity, guilt, shame, anger, sadness) with money/wealth?

Some people tell me, they are often kept up at night wondering. Is it ok to want more wealth, will I make the money back on my investments, when will enough be enough… And I know. I’ve been there too.

There are a lot of courses out there with promises. We won’t make those promises.

Our promise is simple.

Do this Self Paced Money Course over a few weeks, do the activities, SEE the results manifest in your life or your money back.

Our Self Paced Money Course:

Some programs will teach you the ins and outs of budgeting and personal accounting, which can be great. Only most people don’t get the results. It’s often not about the technical aspects, it’s more about the mindset. The mindset of an Investor is different to a hoarder or a spender. Also, the Mindset of your average millionaires varies as well. Some make their first millions by savings, with high attention to saving, conserving, efficiency, some make it without savings but an emphasis on maximising daily earnings. Therefore there are 2 clear and distinct paths but with this awareness, you can choose to take the best from the paths and make your own path that suits your personality, preferences and commitment to goals. This program will help you gain insights and make the changes INSIDE of you. If you want to be abundant, we have to change our mindset from not just a limited one, but to a generative one that is continually growing expanding and supporting.


This Self Paced Money Course currently has 10 individual lessons in it for you to go through in your own time but the suggested time frame would be 5-10 weeks.

Currently, $970 USD.


Where are you right now:

Do you find yourself unsatisfied with knowing you’ve been studying, working and what you have to show for it all?

How many years have you been studying formally and informally?

How many years have you been working?

How much net wealth have you accumulated?

How many positive cashflows or passive cashflow streams have you made?

Yet You’ve been studying and working how many years?

My question to you is, how many more years will you sacrifice 30-40-50-60 hours a week? How many more opportunities will you sacrifice for your job? How much longer will you ignore your dreams and true passions because you haven’t figured out how to make passive income streams, purchase properties and stocks at great discounts and sell them for premiums, how to create simple JV’s (Joint Ventures) that allow your ‘profile’ not you, to create wealth while you do whatever you want?  How much longer do you want to live in the dark or worse yet, trying to manifest and pray instead of creating real results?

I hope you can see how much the ‘rat race’ or merry go round of typical normal life actually costs.

Let’s say someone works just 10 years for $50,000 without increasing their salary, that’s $500,000 they have earned. Not including the cost of their education and time spent earning and studying. Yet how much passive income, growth assets, real wealth, have they accumulated? It could be $5million or $5dollars. What do you think it is for you?

Let’s say someone spends $10,000 on a family holiday or a single holiday. They feel awesome. Enjoy themselves. Great memories. I think this is cool. And most people will spend $5000-$20,000 a year on holidays and breaks. Looking at $50,000-$200,000 spent over 10 years of great holidays and memories, but STILL IN THE RAT RACE not living passionate lives or on purpose.

Or let’s imagine the average person or an executive buying a nice car like a Tesla. First-year you know it’s like $50,000 for the 3Model or -$200,000 for the XModel and they’re great cars and after 10 years it’s worth 10-30% of what you paid. Depreciation we all know but look at Tesla Stock.

Even if you are not an investor, is it really that hard to see that buying Tesla stock instead of a Tesla will give you a phenomenal return. Yet we buy Iphones instead of Apple Stock.

We use Afterpay, CreditCards, Banks and Insurance instead of buying stocks in those very companies. Banks pay 0-3% interest, yet their stocks often pay 3-6% dividends.

The rich get richer as the poor get poorer but what do you expect! Everyone has been programmed. But who and when are you going to reprogram yourself?

I’m going to offer you my Program, where we get right into the mindset of Investors, Rich Dad’s, Wealth Warriors, and two types of people. In the Program, we will look at ‘average’ millionaires that make it millions with average weekly paychecks. We will look at ‘average’ millionaires that make it WITH high paid jobs. We will look at those that make it through Entrepreneuring.

$100,0000,0000 or $10,000,000 or $1,000,000 is possible.

$100,000 per year is possible.

And the cost is less than 1% of that. Currently just under $1k, $970

In this Self Paced Money Course we are going to be looking into the minds of the wealthy and we are going to be discussing YOUR mind, helping you reprogram your own mind for financial success.

What if you were to Invest just, $970 USD. That could put you on the path that helped you earn your first passive $10,000. What if you were able to do a simple JV and that created $5-50,000per year.






Driving a car can be safe, especially if you’ve invested time, energy, money into driving lessons. Driving a car and putting your foot down hard, without any training is risky! Yet most people start their careers, start their first investments with minimal training. When you get this initial training, you will be diving deeper on everything we covered and understanding that even if you have $0 to invest, you can still invest. And if you have little experience or less than half a million dollars in your name, this program is ideal for you.


Surely you’ve heard of compound interest. What about compound education.



If your committed to making your way down the mountain you’ll always end up there in time. What Adrian will do is blow up the mountains in the way and strap a rocket to your back. I now know of Adrian’s character that he is someone truly on the path to bettering the world and it’s people, with a great arsenal of tools to help you get what you want whatever that may be, and an all around a great guy. I cannot recommend my fantastic coach, and now good friend, more.

Yizhi Guo, Easy Coating Co., Ltd. September 2013


Yizhi is taking his business global and on way to make multimillions but he is aiming for billions.


At the beginning of the Co-Vid Crisis March 2020, while everything was at all time lows. My investments were still double then what I started with. My life is following my passions, my directions. From Filming in places like New Zealand, Australia, Denmark, and now on my way to Canada, I get to choose where I want to go. Adrian is full of heart and soul. He helps a lot of people wake up to the fact that they can become financially free and it’s easier than you think.

Stephanie Muller, Videograhper and Vagabonder, November 2020


This Self Paced Money Course currently has 10 individual lessons in it for you to go through in your own time but the suggested time frame would be 5-10 weeks.

Currently, $970 USD.

GUARANTEE or OUR PROMISE: When you start this program now, you will get a result that will compound. If you don’t get the result fast enough I’ll give you a full refund (less bank/transfer fees) on these conditions. 1. You complete the questions on each module over at least 2 weeks (so you don’t just rush through skipping bits cause). 2. Take your financial statement from week 1 and show me that you have redone it at least twice. If your financial statement hasn’t improved a full refund, less bank/transfer fees will be promptly and happily given.



Currently, $970 USD


2021 OFFER, with your program you will get $500 to go towards any future training offered including NLP, Coaching certification or one to one coaching valid for 6 months from the purchase of this program.