
Mobile phone applications can do much more than just entertain us. Being a Personal Development specialist I love using my Smart Phone to enhance my life. Sure my phone can’t make me a coffee, however it can be used to help me keep fit and on track for making constant improvements.

I have tried many. Some with success and some were just a waste of time. Lets share knowledge and post your most recommended Apps.

The following are the Best Mobile Phone Applications:


WeChatbody language


digical calendar

Evernotemy daily success

nature soundopera mini














WeChat, Chinese version of Whats Up, Kakao, and Skype all put together. This is slowly expanding outside of China. Having used many application programes on my journey I have to say this is by far the best as at 2013. I simply get annoyed by people trying to contact me on other systems now.  Favourite feature, when busy, you simply send a voice message. no need to tap each letter, just record up to 1 minute of voice and send. However I guess we have to wait till the population catches up

Body Language, a simple game teaching and improving one’s ability to notice and understand Facial Micro Expressions. This game has greatly improved my natural ability to communicate with people. If only everybody would play this game instead of Crazy Birds.

Dropbox, I use this on my computer as well. It automatically uploads all my camera photos and video when in WiFi areas. Its great for sharing files between different devices, computers and very easy to share folders with family, friends or Outsourced staff. Right now I have the ability to spontaneously do an interview, record it with my mobile phone, upload it to Dropbox and have my Virtual Assistant turn it into a blog or article, and return it in under a day.

DigiCal. Calendar, the Android and Iphone standard calendars simply are not enough for successful people. Your calendar should have a large Widget so you can easily see appointments, goals for the day. For my preferences the calendar must also sync with google calendar. (Many roaming entrepreneurs use Google Applications to keep our data mobile and in synch)

Evernote, if I wake up in the night and have some crazy idea, I no longer turn on a light and write it down. I simply turn on this app and make a sound recording. In the morning the app has synchronised with my desktop and the note/sound/image is there. Also has email and share functions.

My Daily Success, put in your daily goals, Ie. Eating salads, drinking 2L of water, exercising, increasing vocabulary, installing a new habit. With this app your goals are then presented in a large Widget so you see them and easily tick them off as their accomplished. The Widget changes colour once all goals are completed. Complete all before sleeping everyday!

Nature Sound, after some time this has become an essential app. I use it for sleeping or going into meditation while on planes or in noisy places.  I will post a separate blog about self-hypnosis tracks which put me to sleep on planes later.

Opera Mini, an Internet explorer however you can easily save pages for reading later. I regularly look up the cities and countries I’m visiting on WikiTravel and save their pages instead of carrying Guide Books.

Skyscanner, one time I was stuck at an Australian Airport. JetStar wouldn’t let me on my flight to Japan as I didn’t have an ongoing ticket pre-purchased to exit Japan. I’ve entered Japan twice without this however this time the Airline insisted I buy an ongoing ticket. I had little choice but to buy one through them. Luckily I had this application installed. Within 10 minutes I had booked the cheapest possible ticket out of Japan on a new discount airline for a fraction of the price.

TED, from (note I’ve been fortunate enough to speak at two TEDx events now). TED is full of 3-20 minute videos of “Inspirational ideas worth sharing”. While in WiFi area, I can quickly download some interesting, motivating or inspiring talks for the commute to work or next flight.

Now its workout time:

max capacity


Max Capacity, lots of legs and full body workouts designed around your capacity. It increases your capacity. I had great success with this app.



Daily Ab Workout


Daily Ab Workout, every 2nd day for the last 4 months I have been doing this work out. I’ve increased the time, had exercises on 3 different programs, plus random. And I complete it all while a person on the application does it as well. Its like have a friend to do it with. Results yes. (My only Paid Application)



That’s it guys, please have a try of one or two of these mobile phone applications. Only try a one or two at a time though in order to adapt gradually. If your phone is slow, try removing some old unused app’s as they frequently take up space and some even slow down your phone even when not in use.



bag for gadgets

Having been to some 70+ countries or so. I’m frequently asked about what travel gadgets I carry. I made this list for my readers and friends.

The following are the travel gadgets I always bring while travelling:

GoPro2 HD:

When traveling, we want to be as smart and light as possible. I don’t mind spending a bit more products are going to produce good results. I’m not a professional photographer. I’m a light weight traveler. So I recommend the GoPro range. It’s one of the best Video Cameras in the market. It’s very unique, different and most popular. It features a small Fish Eye Lens capturing 170 Degrees. That’s huge! It’s also very power efficient as there is no display, take photographs and videos, and look at them much later. No time zooming in and out at party shots, just take them or take burst shorts. Go Pro is the best when doing adventure, especially Motorbike Riding around Thailand or Goa. It’s only downfall is lack of flash so night shots can be a bit blurred. Still, I used the camera in video mode in some of the best clubs in the world.

 Go pro HD




Smart Phone

Normally I would recommend using an old phone as buying the latest and greatest but costly. However, on my last trip to Hong Kong, I gave in and bought a Samsung S4. I’m actually not so impressed as my old Samsung did most the same things, was much smaller and a third of the price. I would recommend older smartphones for travelers. New phones make you more of a target for criminals.

In validating my S4: Replaces a camera more than ever, big screen for maps, reading ebooks, recording interviews, almost replaces my laptop. However an older smart phone can do most of this.

I have a separate post for Mobile Phone Apps which you should definitely check out. Another less known tip is to have a little piece of paper with a note tucked in between your phone and its protective case. On this note leave an alternative phone number, email address and a little message, something like “thank you so much if you can return me, there will be a small reward as well not to mention a lot of good Karma”. Simply way to help get your phone back if lost.  A lot of people that find phones/camera really want to return them to their owners; it’s simply a matter of making it possible for them.




MiLi Power Crystal PowerCell

This is the most important gadget I carry. My Power Cell comes with a pile of attachments. Normally I just carry 2 attachments which allow me to quickly recharge the Power Cell itself, my Smart Phone (Samsung S4), GoPro, External Speaker, PicoPix (Portable lightweight travel projector).

 mili power




As I do some presentations while traveling, I carry a PicoPix. Recently I had a break from traveling and did some teaching work. For the kids I would often play English videos and songs using the PicoPix. It was so much fun. Not to mention staying in a hotel room or at a friend’s place and being able to share my personal and all time favourite movies with this little device. I also have some 1hour Music Video’s from Ministry of Sound, DJ Tiesto and Triple J which are great for small parties. This device works for about 2 hours per charge, just enough for watching  a movie. It can connect to laptop, USB drives or Micro SD card.

 pico pix




When I started backpacking in 2007 I used my 15inch Toshiba laptop. Thank God those days are over. In 2009 I broke the laptop screen while being squashed on a train with a big crew of youngsters coming from the famous Exit Festival in Serbia to Budapest Hungary. In 2010, I finally got a mini Laptop. 10 Inch Asus Eee PC which I still have today (well in the cupboard at mum and dad’s). In 2012, I upgraded to a 12.1 Inch Asus Eee PC which I find just the right size for me. Size matters. I would love to go a Mac Air, however the Mac Operating System is something I’m not excited to learn. Next might be a Lightweight super fast 12.1 Inch or perhaps I abolish Laptop for a larger SmartPhone. Hmmmmm. Lightweight Travel, Rise of the Roaming Entrepreneur is here. Isn’t it great to be alive today.


 Here you have it guys, the travel gadgets I travel around the world with. Feel free to share with us the travel gadgets you bring with while traveling. Have a techy travelling guys!

Background Picture for Mobile Phone

My favorite school, Jao Island

6 July 2012.

Hi everybody! Many people have asked me for help on how to improve specific and general areas of their life. Health and how to lose weight are the common issues.

It’s easy to give good strategies; however after our session finishes, they would go back to their old lifestyle and motivation quickly fades. This is where our Smart Phones can really come into good use.


How to Lose Weight by using your Mobile Phone:

Let’s do something very simple and effective. Let’s use our background picture on the mobile phone to help us implement positive changes in our life.

Some people change their wallpapers on a regular basis. I personally have mine, a photograph when I was volunteering in the Philippines (Jao Island). Every time I see it, I’m reminded to be grateful for what I have, and to work harder (so I can earn more and send those guys some new books to start their library). However, sometimes I change my background picture. If I have a new tough habit to eliminate or start, I may simply use my phone’s background picture as a way to support that change. Sometimes, I even take a photograph of my new mind map or goals.

Recently, I had a client wrote a positive message on a piece of paper. It was something like, “I love eating healthy food and drinking lots of water“. Then she took a photograph of it, and set it as his phone’s wallpaper. Two weeks later, he said he had eaten healthier food and drank more water every single day!

motivational mobile background

My motivational mobile background

Please note as I’m a Licensed NLP Practitioner. I urge you not to write something like “stop eating so much” or “eat less fatty food” as our minds often misinterpret it as “eat so much” or “eat fatty food.” Another mistake can be “I’m quitting smoking” as this means I am smoking, and some time in the future, “I will try to quit.” We really need to keep messages positive. Or if negative, look for it’s antonym. “I love the feeling of breathing fresh air in my lungs, I feel so good now I am healthy.”

Once this message is set as our phone’s background, we will be reminded of it  frequently. Every time we look at it, the thought will go deeper and deeper into our mind. After 21 days (see my “21 Day Theory” blog) the message has become a solid habit. We can then change the background to implement a new message (i.e. I am confident) or habit (i.e. drink 2L of water everyday). Repeat the process of installing new positive strategies in our lives.

Following this simple technique with your phone is 100% free and easy. However, you can donate some money to a homeless charity if you like.

Not only a strategy for health but, for installing many new life changing habits easily.