Are you fed up with spending excess time or money (possibly both), reading articles, books, or listening to experts that don’t provide you with specific steps on how you can actually perform better and get what you really want?

Have you approached new opportunities without receiving sufficient returns?

Do you ever asked yourself, “why aren’t people using me?

Are you curious what people are thinking (or saying) behind your back?

Perhaps you wonder what really makes people tick and how you can get them aligned with your goals (or out of the way).

Perhaps you agree when people say “just wait, give it time, be patient” but the truth is your time is precious. Not being more successful RIGHT NOW, is burning up irreplaceable resources. It’s costing you time energy and money every day your not on track to fulfilling your desires. 

While the fatality rate of new businesses soars to all-time new highs, some businesses are booming. There is more money than ever floating around in this world. Are you going to get yours?

Generic blogs and duplicated conteted don’t really do much for business owners or developers. To get rapid growth we need to get clear on YOU.

We are flooded with generalized content that is a waste of time, meanwhile, we are starved of quality, specific, focused information on how we specifically can shoot forward.

Here is an opportunity for you to accelerate you into the growth spiral. Not just surviving, but thriving.  

And this is completely relevant to your personal and business lives.

I’m offering for Small Business Owners, BNI Members, Sales and BD professionals a direct and 100% honest personality & behavioural feedback assessment package which will highlight to you precise action steps, tactics and strategies for raising your game. Accelerating you into the growth spiral. 100% focused on you.


Business Coach in Shanghai China

A No Bull Shit Approach To Getting Results



The Personality, Behaviour and Emotional Intelligence Package Includes:



+ 34 Page booklet explaining your results and what you need to know. 

  • This book is worth its weight in gold as it is designed and built off your assessment results. It’s based on the information you submit. Hence if you give it honest answers you will find the book extremely powerful,
  • It identifies your personality flaws and strengths,
  • Your biggest weakness and opportunities,
  • Suggestions on how to counterbalance these,
  • How to handle opposite personality types,
  • How to identify and win the support of all personality types in your workplace,
  • Action steps, potential area’s to improve, behavioural tendencies and much much more.



+ 24 Page book focused on what they should have taught us at school but didn’t. 

  • Your Emotional Intelligence Inventory & Overall Score,
  • Your Emotional Intelligence Quadrant,
  • Recommendations for improving Self Recognition and Self Awareness,
  • Recommendations for improving Social Recognition,
  • Recommendations for improving Self Management,
  • Recommendations for improving Social Management.



  • 2 x   “What people aren’t telling you but should   Strategy Sessions (45-60 Min Each planned in advanved. Valued at $749)

  • 2 x “I am stuck and need help now”   Tactical Sessions (15 Min Each with no notice needed. Valued at $199) 


Continual Education and Development

  • 6 months of short follow up education segments expanding your ability to connect close and move towards self mastery  (Includes 26 emails + videos. Valued at over $590USD)


Total Value in this package.

Scientific Personality and Behavioural Assessment with Book $299

Emotional Intelligence 2.0 Assessment with Book  $199

2 x What People Aren’t Telling You But Should, Strategy Sessions $749

2 x I Need A Quick Break Through Now, Tactical Session $199

6 Months Continual Education $590

Total Value Here = $2036

Buy ALL THIS now with two payments of just $499. Making a total of $998. OVER 50% OFF. First payment here

Paypal Adrian $499AUD   2nd due within 30 days.


One Upfront Payment now Paypal Adrian $749AUD    



(For those that aren’t used to Paypal, buying through Paypal gives you an extra layer of protection and guarantee. You may also use your visa or many other bank cards easily through it)

Alternatively, Bank Transfer: Bank of Queensland, Adrian Cahill, BSB: 124001 AC: 20592679

WeChat Wallet is also Acceptable, please use for the latest currency conversion rates. 


Within 24 hours of receipt of payment you will receive your first vital link.

There is generally a 2 -3 week wait for Strategy Sessions, but if needed urgently please call me (Adrian) directly on 0432170578 or email   For Tactical Sessions, again just call me and if you don’t get through, leave clear instructions.

Tactical Session phone calls are always returned withing 24hours. I’m a Coach it’s what I do. Assist you the best I can to help you unlock your potential.


Warmest Regards
Adrian Cahill


pbepackage its your ability to take action