Hi Guys!
As you all know, I’m a travel addict. Formerly an Internet junkie, here are some of the Best Travel Websites.
1. www.skyscanner.net – This is the Google for Plane Tickets. Example search is ‘Sydney’ to ‘Everywhere’ for the month of ‘June’.
2. www.wikitravel.org – My no.1 resource page on new locations. On Google or what ever you use type ‘wikitravel’ ‘Sydney’ or ‘Australia’ or ‘Antarctica’. Check it out www.wikitravel.org/en/Antarctica
The next sites are all equal rating depending on your travel style.
Hostel World or Hostel Bookers. These two sites are the hostel main booking sites/engines used throughout the world. Slowly hostels in Central Asia, Middle East, Africa and remote countries are starting to use these sites as they get on to the Internet. Many other travel sites and blogs sell or resell accommodation by utilizing these two companies. I use these sites as a research tool. I use Hostel World with Wiki Travel. These Hostel Webpages are per-dominantly Western Backpackers. Wiki Travel on the other hand is for a broader range of travelers. Next, the Trip Advisor is for more commercial travels. I know a lot of accommodation and restaurants which have gained much new business by and sometimes charging more than their competitors by establishing themselves on Trip Advisor. In my opinion, Trip Advisor is like a Lonely Planet. Please note. All the above systems, including Wiki can be manipulated by false references.
Escape Artist has been around for over 10years and is a great resource tool. Created in America, primarily for American ExPats. It contains so much information it’s not funny. Personally, I haven’t found the need for anymore information services as SkyScanner, WikiTravel, and Couch Surfing has done it all for me.
Couch Surfing, is one of the worlds best websites for making friends and staying with locals abroad. Millions of users have profiles and interact online to exchange tips, assistance, views and then organize meet ups and plans to accommodate each other. I’ve personally helped thousands of people here, hosted over 100people in my apartments and my Mum & Dad’s house. I’ve stayed in 1-200 homes. Most of these experiences were directly through Couch Surfing or people I’ve meet through Couch Surfing friends. Adrian on CouchSurfing. Oh and it’s all free.
Be Welcome is another hospitality site like Couch Surfing. It was actually made by Couch Surfing volunteers who were unhappy at Couch Surfing organizers. Couch Surfing is a company. It was founded through donations although it was and is a company, so Be Welcome is ‘owned by the people’ voting for head positions and direction. Personally, I hope and encourage all CouchSurfers to join BeWelcome. Although BeWelcome doesn’t have the funds that CouchSurfing has. A side note, CouchSurfing donations have been used to fly Organizers on world trips and have week long parties in places like Istanbul. BeWelcome Organisers have daily jobs and struggle to raise any money. Adrian on BeWelcome
One last site is Hospitality Club. Outdated now, this site was pre-Couch Surfing couchsurfing. Note: The first forms of couch surfing was over 30years ago via mail.
OK, I wanted to keep this short and just the best. If people would like to add their own welcome, now go on, get out there!
Nice post with a walk through some of the travel websites. Though I was wondering why a website like http://www.tripadvisor.com/ and http://expedia.com could not make to this list.
Well aware of these sites. I kept the list very short with just what I consider the best from my 4+years travel. Thanks for comments friend.
I always visit travel sites because they offer useful information about the do’s and dont’s when visiting a certain location. It was a nice surprise to see the cities you have mentioned. Different from all the usual travel blogs. Please continue
Thanks for the positive feedback Dorthey! I love traveling to out there places. I like Paris and London, however not many people know about Minsk, Sofia or Tbilisi for that matter. Much more to come!
Thanks for the information regarding http://www.skyscanner.net/, I have visited the site and it was really helpful. Have you try travelling in Southeast Asia? Or do you have any idea on the different vacation spots in Southeast Asia? I’m planning for a vacation mid this year with my family and I want this vacation to be memorable. Please help me. Thanks!
Thanks for your feedback too! Much appreciated. SEAsia. Yes! I love it. Spent 8 months around North Thailand, Chiang Mai and Pai. It really depends so much on your own taste. For family I could recommend the North Thailand, however everything is relative. Its cheaper than most of SEAsia. And Family friendly. South Thailand beaches 50/50. I would also look at the less traveled places of Borneo and Palawan. Please google, ‘Wiki travel South East Asia’ for best info. Let me know where you end up choosing or more specific info later via email if you like.