Hi all. I just completed PSYCH-K training in Australia. I will be using PSYCH-K in Australia and the Asian Cities I work in. I plan to use it as a complimentary service, tool or methodology offered/used for my clients in turning obstacles into milestones. Here I’ll cover what it is, how I found it, and a few video’s from it’s creators.
I first came into PSYCH-K after some 5 years after I started NLP & Coaching. So already pretty clued up, skilled and working with my own clients before I found this. Then it happened. I had my first PSYCH-K and WOW.
The session I had was over Skype with Dr Preet Khatiri. That’s right. Over Skype. And, in that one Skype session, I experienced such a large shift that I lost my voice for maybe 4 or 5 hours.
Since then I’ve met a few practitioners of PSYCH-K in Australia and yet to meet any outside. I’m sure they are there though and like any modality, there is low and high quality amongst practitioners. Ensure you look for certification and testimonials.
As mentioned I will be using PSYCH-K in Australia, Asia and of course virtually.
Ok so what is PSYCH-K
PSYCH-K® is the user-friendly way to change the software of your mind. This profoundly effective, verifiable, repeatable and simple process helps us identify and change our programming. Terminology varies but basically, every cell is affected by its perception. “Realty” depends on our perception. So it’s actually our perception of reality that shapes us.
The Biology of Belief, Bruce Lipton
Bruce Lipton is largely responsible for the growth and popularity of PSYCH-K.
As a Cell Biologist, Bruce Lipton made a phenomenal discovery. He was teaching and lecturing that genes had the codes/master plan to grow and act accordingly. This was/is common accepted western science. Yet through his research Bruce Lipton discovered that cells movements and growth are heavily affected or even directed, by the environment they are in. The important thing is that it wasn’t actually the environment. It was the perception of the environment. When cells perceived food or danger, they moved accordingly. Therefore cells acted according to the perceived environment rather than the real environment. And this continues through to full grown adults. We respond to the world we perceive. Add to that, your perception is based on your beliefs. Hence:
“Your beliefs control your psychological and biological reality” Bruce Lipton Ph.D. Author The Biology of Belief”
If you believe that it’s cold outside you may take a jumper. It doesn’t matter if it cold or not. If you believe that it is cold, you perceive it as cold.
If you get outside and it’s 15 degrees and if you believe or perceive that as cold, you will react however you react. If you get outside and it’s 30 degrees, then your belief and perception may quickly change. Yet to some people 15 degrees may warm. And sometimes, I see people wearing a jumper even when I feel it’s quite warm.
I believe almost everyone in this world is loving and caring. I believe strangers are just friends I haven’t met yet. These beliefs support me in my day to day life.
Your beliefs are the foundation of your personality. They ultimately shape you as worthy or worthless, powerful or powerless, competent or incompetent, trusting or suspicious, belonging or outcast, self-reliant or dependent, flexible or judgmental, fairly treated or victimized, loved or hated. Your beliefs have far reaching consequences both positive and negative, in your life. Beliefs affect your mood, relationships, job performance, self-esteem, physical and mental health, even your religious and spiritual outlook.
According to traditional psychology, we inherit most of our beliefs from the people and the environment that surrounds us before the age of 7.
When I was 7, I was taught don’t talk to strangers. Imagine being 30, trying to network but still having this belief.
I also remember seeing people regularly fighting or arguing over money. Who knows what beliefs I had lodged in my poor 7-year-old brain.
As an adult, I tried to change these beliefs. Sometimes I bought programs, books, cd sets, dvd’s and seminar tickets.
A lot of this doesn’t work for 2 main reasons:
- They often work on a conscious level. (Common knowledge now that you need to work the subconscious level)
- You often do the reading/listening/actions by yourself. (Trying to push a car uphill)
To create real change PSYCH-K or preferably, working with a coach that understands PSYCH-K and NLP it is so much easier. PSYCH-K by itself is great and from my experience here are the 3 main reasons.
- Solid foundations for identifying which belief can cause problems.
- PSYCH-K has researched and supplied a collection of beliefs to check and work on. They have done groundwork.
- We can discuss and choose a way to handle or change that to a supporting belief.
PSYCH-K is a user-friendly way to change the software of your mind and the print out of your life!
Popularly characterized as a kind of spiritual process with psychological benefits or the “short-cut” to personal change, PSYCH-K is a quick, direct and lasting way to transform stress or trauma and establish or hardwire powerful self-supporting beliefs at the subconscious level of mind where nearly all-human behavior exists.
Its overall purpose is to accelerate personal and professional growth. Individual and global consciousness. It can target specific beliefs or can focus on aligning your belief system with the collective belief’s of the world’s greatest spiritual and intellectual traditions. It makes wisdom a self-fulfilling prophecy.
Rob Williams Personal History and PSYCH-K® Philosophy
PSYCH-K® High Speed Mindset Change
I regularly do Coaching, NLP, PSYCH-K in Shanghai China and PSYCH-K in Australia, however, I love to travel. Also, it is amazing what we can do over the phone in a simple conversation.
If this isn’t right for you RIGHT NOW, feel free to follow, or schedule a time to just chat and get more information or ask your questions. PSYCH-K in Australia.
Thank you dearly.
Adrian Cahill