TEDx Speaker
TEDx Speaker, ICF PCC, Investor
The Essential Science Behind Meditation (Mindfulness) That You Need To Know To Get Rapid Results!
My Introduction to Meditation Series:
A shortened version of the best and most essential from over $15,000USD and 5 years spent learning/meditating with the most renowned teachers known today. (Eckhart Tolle, Dr Dispenza, Osho, Vipassana, Daniel Goleman). I actually bought one of their courses for $900 and thought, this is great but too long! My clients want the best so I spent the next weeks making this series.
It’s a fact. Most people struggle with meditation (what is very often marketed today as mindfulness).
Reality: Meditation typically leads to one of two results.
- No real result or change felt.
- Liked the feel but unable to create a consistent meditation routine.
People get inspired, they make a commitment to themselves to meditate regularly. It doesn’t happen. They may repeat in a few weeks or months, sometimes years. And, again it doesn’t work so it reinforces failure and negative thoughts.
When your busy and not achieving your goals what do you do? Many people like you typically either do more, work harder and harder running out of time or steam. Or they go into overwhelm shutting down. Both lead to you being further away from your desires and potentially getting further and further away from your goals. But there is a way out. When it’s time to work smarter, not harder…. When it’s time to get out of your business/life and work on it, rather than in it……
Meditation is the key. Successful meditation gives your brain the capacity to rewire itself more effectively (Neuroplasticity). Successful meditation give you the ability to grow your awareness, gratitude, compassion. Successful meditation gives you a winning opportunity to escape cycles and programming handed down to you by your family, surroundings, society. Successful meditation gives you the opportunity to re-program your self every time you do it.
In this Meditation Series we will be focused on the science you need to know to really make sense of it all, get a great feeling, enjoy it, and start a routine!
From my experience, people fail due to lack of understanding and making the habit. Time and time again I have had my clients begin simple meditation practices and after just one or two coaching sessions they have been able to start a regular meditation routine. You’re able to get the same instruction I give my high paying clients. You will get the end result of my 10 years experience researching and practising a wide variety of meditation which will enable you to passionately enjoy your meditation time.
My Introduction to Meditation Series leads to:
- You being able to understand from a practical and combined spiritual/scientific angle
- An open and flexible approach preserving your needs.
- We will cover specifically how to turn meditation into a routine.
- Why most people fail, and you can easily ensure you WIN.
- It also leads to you getting to the point where you can start to hack and improve your meditation or use it for specific purposes.
A good meditation or mindfulness practice can easily lead you to become more of the best version of your true self. It will expand your creativity, ability to earn and intuition dramatically. It will help you be compassionate, focused, powerful yet gentle and gracious. As the awareness behind your ‘thinking’ or ‘monkey mind’ increases, moments or gaps, silence grows. In that silence, Clear Light Mind, Dharmakaya, Buddha Nature, Pure Consciousness, God (if that’s what you want to call it) seeps into your conscious mind, and as that grows, you become more and more in constant flow, synchronicity, or bliss becomes more and more dominant in your life.
Meditation is the magic behind the MOST of the worlds greatest minds. That is why it is talked about so much from people like Tony Robbins (his wife is a big meditator), Tim Ferris, Ophra Winfrey. Not to mention some of the biggest names of all times, Albert Einstien, Napolean Hill, Nicoli Tesla, Steve Jobs, all regularly had their biggest insights and breakthroughs with thanks to meditation practices. If these people accessed their best through meditation you can too….
Why most people fail? Learn this and you won’t.
I will cover the top reasons why most people fail and all you need to win. Winning is quite easy it’s just most people get it backwards. It’s not that smart, disciplined, time rich people meditate, its more like people that meditate regularly become smarter, more disciplined, more time rich, more happy, more loving.
I will also share my favourite meditation and a demo of it, for releasing fears. Many of my clients say practicing this moved them towards the goals far faster than any other practice.

How you can easily start?
Once moving on this promptly, you will be given the special page. From here you can view or download each video which runs in a series covering EVERYTHING you need to START NOW. But you may want to process it now and start it a little later. So you can learn a no junk approach to all of it and start now. And move on to clearing out any fears, developing more focus, connection, confidence, love or just skip forward and into the wealth exercises.
Bonus – Insightful video on wealth creation
A process to help you identify limiting beliefs and negative emotional patterns around wealth. These beliefs and patterns can be reduced greatly by this exercise and the fear release meditation also included in the series.
Release your old blocking beliefs
Assessment to measure and strengthen your positive supporting financial beliefs
Spreadsheet with instructions to calculate your net wealth in 15 minutes