— Yvonne Li
Yvonne Li
Founder iMeetUp
Yvonne Li
Founder iMeetUp

— Cherry Zhang
Cherry Zhang
Cherry Zhang
— Derek Huang
Derek Huang
Derek Huang
— Albert Liu
Albert Liu
Albert Liu
Adrian 辅导如何能帮助你
- 不断地增加选择,扩大项目,提升灵活性。
- 明确地启发个人重点
- 助你了解自身潜能,及自身亮点
- 你的思维和身体是一个共同的主体,我们致力于开发你的思维
- 人的能力是有限的——而潜力是无限的,但一般都未开发
- 人类的行为是有结构的
- 外在行为均是由内在而生,内在行为同样有一个结构。
- 通过调整你的内在世界观,Adrian 的专业辅导能迅速有效地深度影响外在行为。连接你的潜力,实现充分利用并提升。
- 提升你的行为和态度灵活性。
- 任何一种行为,在某种角度上是想满足一个积极的想法
- 重定义失误为反馈——如果你所做的不管用,改变你的做法
- 指导他人,通过别人对你的回应将提升自身责任感。
- 在你影响他人之前,首先发现他人的观念和信念。
- 要知道在任何情况下一个人都会以他所了解的事物从而做出做好的选择。
- 要知道每个人所信的真理对于他们而言都是正确的,即便与你的真理不同。
- 要知道人们会用他们眼中的世界、他们自身的信仰和思维模式来与人接触。这种思维模式对于每个人来说都是独一无二的。
- 通过辅导,将会助你把握你的人生。你的成果将完全取决于你想达到的目标。
- Rob Vickery 在完成了他的第一堂45分钟的课程后便主动降低了他百分之80的糖分摄入量。
- Kristen Nest在三堂课后成功将她的收入提高了百分之40。
- Stephanie Brauer 在三年内资产翻了3倍。
- 所有完成辅导教程的客户在3个月内均使自身收入增加至百分之15以上。
- 百分之60的客户在接至的6-12个月里收入增加超过百分之30。
- 所有用户均反映了积极的关系发展。
- 百分之80的用户完成了辅导教程后,在6个月内陷入爱河。
- 百分之95的用户在6个星期内大幅减少拖延、沮丧、焦虑等症状。
- 你想达成什么?
Adrian 是澳洲人。他有一名全职翻译,并且开始与中国客户合作。
Lin: +86 18702134024

Chris Chen
Chris Chen,
Founder Life Talk Series, Shanghai China
Chris Chen,
Founder Life Talk Series, Shanghai China

Kristen Van Nest
Kristen Van Nest,
Globalization Specialist, Shanghai China
Kristen Van Nest,
Globalization Specialist, Shanghai China

Natalia Skirtenko-Harm
Natalia Skirtenko-Harm,
Relocation Adviser at Outpost Global Services, Shell, Beijing China
Natalia Skirtenko-Harm,
Relocation Adviser at Outpost Global Services, Shell, Beijing China

Engineer, Australian Distribution Utility Company
Engineer, Australian Distribution Utility Company

Xiaofang Su
Adrian is a professional life coach. He have the ability to guide you to find the problem and solution by yourself. He is not going to give you a fish for a day, but teaching you fishing skills which you can use to feed yourself for a lifetime.
Xiaofang Su,
Assistant Showroom Manager at Lululemon Athletica, Shanghai China
Xiaofang Su,
Assistant Showroom Manager at Lululemon Athletica, Shanghai China

Brian Peters
Brian Peters,
CEO Peters Partnerships, Adelaide Australia
Brian Peters,
CEO Peters Partnerships, Adelaide Australia

Yene Assegid
Yene Assegid,
MBA, PhD, PCC, Author
Yene Assegid,
MBA, PhD, PCC, Author

Sayako Miyamoto
Sayako Miyamoto,
www.awesomejapanesehelp.com, Osaka Japan
Sayako Miyamoto,
www.awesomejapanesehelp.com, Osaka Japan

Peter Buki
Years later I was still stuck in my job. I told Adrian I had problems with starting my photography business, he offered a helping hand. He really does have skills in finding your mental blocks and pushing you forward. To be better put, he helps you push yourself through your blocks and barriers. I will certainly recommend your services to my friends!
Peter Buki,
Freelance Photographer & Specialist for Vodafone, Budapest Hungary
Peter Buki,
Freelance Photographer & Specialist for Vodafone, Budapest Hungary

Rob Vickery
Rob Vickery,
Interview Specialist and Coach, Gold Coast Australia
Rob Vickery,
Interview Specialist and Coach, Gold Coast Australia

— Yvonne Li
Yvonne Li
Founder iMeetUp
Yvonne Li
Founder iMeetUp

Shansong Yu
Shansong Yu
Financial Services|Joint Honours Economics and Finance|McGill University
Shansong Yu
Financial Services|Joint Honours Economics and Finance|McGill University

Margarita Lukavenko
More than that, Adrian is very flexible and can handle any challenge thrown at him. He has done just about everything from Corporate Training to Afghanistan and that really puts him into the "must know&learn from" category of people around you.
Margarita Lukavenko
Managing Director, The M & Y Group
Margarita Lukavenko
Managing Director, The M & Y Group

Meng Zhao
Meng Zhao
Planning Engineer at Shanghai Volkswagen, China
Meng Zhao
Planning Engineer at Shanghai Volkswagen, China

Katy Allen
Katy Allen
Primary Reception Homeroom Teacher
Katy Allen
Primary Reception Homeroom Teacher

Maya Roesch
Maya Roesch
English Teacher, Photographer and Designer
Maya Roesch
English Teacher, Photographer and Designer

Nate Dudhill
Nate Dudhill
Helping People To Invest In UK, USA & Australian Real Estate
Nate Dudhill
Helping People To Invest In UK, USA & Australian Real Estate

Boon Jim Chuah
Adrian is well read and displays in depth knowledge & expertise as a capable motivational life coach.
As i got more opportunities to work with Adrian on other projects, I realized that far from being a cookie cutter coach, Adrian demonstrated the ability to tailor a strong program according to one's situational needs.
To top it off, Adrian takes an honest interest in helping each individual, with a good balance of patient space and motivational push.
I have no qualms recommending his services and have already put several of my own students in touch with him.
Boon Jim Chuah
Senior Accounts Manager, THREAD
Boon Jim Chuah
Senior Accounts Manager, THREAD

Yizhi Guo
Counting my father and best friend, to date a year later I can say that unexpectedly meeting Adrian has to be one of the most profoundly positive impacts on my little life. Had I not continued seeking Adrian out of curiosity, I would be in a whole lot of pain today at what I could have been, what I could have changed, instead of the unstoppable and overwhelming awesome that is today's morning.
If your committed to making your way down the mountain you'll always end up there in time. What Adrian'll do is blow up the mountains in the way and strap a rocket to your back. I now know of Adrian's character that he is someone truly on the path to bettering the world and it's people, with a great arsenal of tools to help you get what you want whatever that may be, and an all around a great guy. I cannot recommend my fantastic coach, and now good friend, more.
Yizhi Guo
International Sales, Easy Coating Co., Ltd.
Yizhi Guo
International Sales, Easy Coating Co., Ltd.

Janine Jakob
Janine Jakob Founder of Full Potential Partners and Monday Morning Motivation
Janine Jakob Founder of Full Potential Partners and Monday Morning Motivation

Yi Zhang
Yi Zhang High Performance Coach, Sales Professional, Participant of July 2020 NLP Online Training
Yi Zhang High Performance Coach, Sales Professional, Participant of July 2020 NLP Online Training

Maria Raquel Seabra
And it's been a pleasure to work with Adrian as a coach. I felt like that was the meaning lacking with my life, I work with Adrian a little bit on that. And now like comparing myself to when I met him is just like comparing two different people almost. So I am very very happy to recommend him as a coach as well.
Maria Raquel Seabra Life Coach, Healer, Participant of July 2020 NLP Online Training
Maria Raquel Seabra Life Coach, Healer, Participant of July 2020 NLP Online Training

Priyal Thakur
Priyal Thakur Emotional Intelligence Coach, Participant of July 2020 NLP Online Training
Priyal Thakur Emotional Intelligence Coach, Participant of July 2020 NLP Online Training

Ying Xing
So I've been really practicing everything I learned on my client. I enjoyed helping people. Each client is very dear to me, when I apply NLP skills on them and we finished our session with joy and peace, that really really fulfills me.
Ying Xing
Holistic Life Coach
Participant of July 2020 NLP Online Training
Ying Xing
Holistic Life Coach
Participant of July 2020 NLP Online Training

Emily Johns
that you can do it. Try out, try coaching with Adrian, I promise you it will change your life.
Emily Johns Educator, Life Coach
Emily Johns Educator, Life Coach

Diana Felix
Diana Felix Life coach
Diana Felix Life coach

Jacky Shen
Jacky Shen Participant of NLP Practitioner Online Training
Jacky Shen Participant of NLP Practitioner Online Training

Tapan Gadodia
Tapan Gadodia Entrepeneur based in Shanghai, China
Tapan Gadodia Entrepeneur based in Shanghai, China

Michelle Pein
Michelle Pein Holistic Life Coach
Michelle Pein Holistic Life Coach

Aydar Participant in NLP Training in Bali
Aydar Participant in NLP Training in Bali

Hannes Participant in NLP Training in Bali
Hannes Participant in NLP Training in Bali

Johnny Browaeys
Johnny Browaeys NLP Graduate
Johnny Browaeys NLP Graduate

Elanie, Shanghai China
我感受到他的意图其实不仅仅是要教你怎么去谈恋爱, 怎么去做交易, 而是教你如何找到你自己. 这是我在他身上真正学到的东西!
每次和他交流后, 我感觉好多了. 我认识到其实生活是如此的美丽. 我被激发了, 我充满了对生活的希望!.. 再次感谢, Adrian, 谢谢你的支持和鼓励!
Shanghai China
Shanghai China