When I started what was to be, a 5 year back packing trip, Europe was certainly the hottest destination. But for me, it wasn’t just Europe. It was all about the East. East Europe!

Most the backpackers I had met in Australia/Asia tended to go and talk about places like Amsterdam, London, Paris and Barcelona. Yeah cool, but what about the East? And I’m not talking about places like Czech or Hungary. Now I could be completely wrong, and welcome to comment if I am, to me, East Europe is composed of the countries bordering Russia. Mainly the Baltic’s to the Balkans. Actually, I met almost no one that had been along the far eastern edges of Europe and that undiscovered lands, is where so much of the magic is. 

FYI: My motivation behind this is that backpackers and tourist hear so much about those mainstream places. I love to write a few words about my favourite cities in Europe, and well, it’s probably going to be these cool undiscovered cities in the east!!! Cities like Minsk, Sofia, Talinn, Beograde, Kiev! Oh my so much fun!!!

Today, I am starting by highlighting Minsk (Belarus) one of the coolest, undiscovered cities in the world. In fact I hope to bring a few cool undiscovered cities to you in my blog. I’m actually very busy as a Coach helping people to make passive income to follow their dreams, but I really want to get a few of these cool undiscovered cities out there!


Minsk’s population is predominantly Russian and native Belorussian. The Belorussians being those that have been here forever! These guys have there own language which may sound or look like Russian, however it’s DIFFERENT. And sadly becoming less common. I as a traveler, learned less than a sentence in Belorussian and focused on Russian as I thought that would help me further with my travels. However if you learn some Belorussian, it would be extremely cool, and perhaps, unusual. If your a local, please what do you think and whats the current situation?Minsk1

Tourists here are very rare. Tourist assistance, tourist information is pretty much unheard of. One day, I actually took a photo of a couple, because I believe they may have been tourist. This makes Minsk a city, which is really like something from the Get Smart Movie. As a long term traveler, I was able to blend in, however, if I was talking with friends ANYWHERE, I couldn’t help to notice people listening (in a friendly way)

According to wikitravel.org/en/Belarus. Belarus is under a dictatorship and the city itself feels like a mixture of USSR/KGB/GetSmart/1960 Spy film. Also note, according to my Lonely Planet, it says “Belarus is a breeding ground for Super Models”. While that could be true, Eastern Europe itself is full of beautiful people, both men and women….

Yes gentlemen, the country is full of beautiful women! But no, there not easy! And to any Belorussian women reading this, please take pride. Belorussian women display show good dress sense, great complexion, healthy bodies, wonderful personalities and very intelligent.

Now, back on to other adventures.

Drinking in Eastern Europe is great. Drinking in in Minsk is Fantastic!  When having a drink with friends, the table generally tended to look something like this:

A bottle of Balbash Vodka (Product of Belarus),

Unmixed glasses of Vodka, juice, Coke, water, Tonic

Plates of fruits, meats, olives, onion, fats/lard

And all for a a price of, well under $40 USD in a decent club or bar. It’s simply awesome! Drink straight high quality vodka, topping up with water; eating foods in front of you and all this with beautiful people. Hangovers are avoidable if you are disciplined 🙂 However after too many fun nights in a row……


I stayed with at least 4 hosts in Belarus and one of these was with the Rock band “Floor Sixteen”. That was insane. Here are some of the pictures of what could be, the coolest undiscovered city in Europe!



Cool Undiscovered Cities:  Eastern Europe, Minsk
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And by the way, if you don’t like this post, don’t worry cause,belarus_smiley_designs_cork_coaster-r73ef571df551407f82ce4789d59cb8ec_ambkq_8byvr_324


1 reply
  1. Junaid says:

    Thats true that there are many successful models from Belarus like Anabela Belikova & Tanya Dziahileva. Peopl tend to get obsessed with all the glamorous news about cities like Paris, Amsterdam, and hence they don’t even think about going east. Nice pics. Keep posting more.

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