Do you want ultimate freedom?
Emotional, intellectual and financial freedom?
Freedom to do, think, have, what you want with your life.
Freedom to be who you want to be.
Welcome to
Neuro Leadership Mastery
12 Month to a SUPER HUMAN YOU.
It’s not enough to just try and motivate yourself to feel better or do more.
We’ve all been motivated before.
Just because you get motivated doesn’t mean it’s going to stick. Even if you are motivated and taking action it’s not necessarily leading you where you want to go. There is a huge difference between being busy, and being effective.
As I explain in the following video, it’s not about being motivated.
It’s more than that. But not necessarily out of your reach.
We believe you don’t need another book. You don’t need another short course, a short answer or more advice.
We believe the best way forward is to partner with someone. Someone who is 110% focused on bringing out your best, someone that will be there to answer your calls. Someone to challenge you out of your comfort zone and help you dust yourself off when you fall.
See That’s the weakness in books and other forms of one way communication. You can put them down and they’re gone.
With our programs there is continual interaction in all modalities.
Expect your cash flow and earning ability to rise sharply. If money is big factor for you, make it a big focus and you will get a big results. If turning around your business or career is your priority, make it a big focus and again, that is where you will get big results.
This course focuses on accessing your excellence. It’s accelerating you to what you choose to focus on. You choose your focus. We focus on building your focus muscle, positive habits, a supportive environment, and helping you bring out your best.
We are consistently introducing more positive behaviours and rituals into your life in slow and precise methods with pre-planned checks to ensure their maintained.
This course is going to give you all that and a fresh perspective on living a fully expressed life. This course provides a consistent, reliable steadfast platform for you to truly transform.
Expect your personal effectiveness, cash flow, relationships to improve greatly. Expect to start waking up better and better each morning to a fantastically fresh and nutritious day. Expect to see a new level of excellence rising from a new SUPER HUMAN YOU.
Our guarantee, complete the weekly check in and action, and you will get results. If you’re not 100% satisfied with your results, you get 100% Money Back. Either way, you’re really going to enjoy the process.
Our course is broken into 3 parts
- Self Mastery.
- Neuro Leadership
- Coaching and Communications Mastery
Self Mastery:
“The Ultimate Knowledge is Self-Knowledge” Bruce Lee
Ideally you have a DEEP DESIRE to become the very best version of yourself.
You have negative emotions or negative traits that you feel are affecting your success or happiness in life.
You find yourself often feeling unsatisfied or let down by others behaviours. Friends, family, work colleagues, partners.
You want to create more abundance in your life. Attract more money and better relationships.
In this section of our program, we will take you on a journey to make you understand how to truly start your journey of Self Mastery.
We start by taking a snap shot of where you are now and where you want to be in future (although that may change and grow promptly).
We progress with really simple steps, that are too easy NOT to do, however will still lead you deep into self discovery and increased self awareness. Through easy regular steps, we create permanent changes to our daily routines and habits.
Expect to start drinking more water. Expect to start becoming more efficient. Expect to develop those habits you always wanted in your life.
Neuro Leadership:
“You are born with only two fears: fear of falling and fear of loud noise. All the rest is learned. And it’s a lot of work!” Richard Bandler, Co-Creator of NLP
Ideally you have curiosity about how your brain works and want to fully use it rather than just get by.
Brain hacks, memory techniques, neuro-plasticity, ‘how to guides’ or self improvement kind of ‘turns you on’.
You are already well aware that the world around you is predetermined by your thought patterns and internal filters or glasses that you see the world through.
You see value in understanding the core needs of ALL HUMAN BEHAVIOUR.
You are well aware of the power of the unconscious, yet you’re not fully accessing it’s powers. Perhaps you want to program your RAS for more success and wealth.
In this section of our course, you will learn a combination of Neuro Linguistic Programming, Neuro Leadership, Emotional Intelligence principals, strategies and techniques. You will learn how to dominate this field.
Expect to be able to apply and explain the topics to others. You will be exposed to self hypnosis, gain an understanding of meditation, how to model excellence and much more.
Expect to start consciously choosing actions, milestones and future journeys, and how to program that into your unconscious.
Expect to start becoming a wizard for assisting others with self mastery and change.
Coaching and Communications Mastery:
“The art and science of asking questions is the source of all knowledge.” Thomas Berger
Ideally you have a burning desire to unlock the secrets to building strong, lasting, positive relationship. You see great value in the ability to lead and help others lead themselves to prosperity.
Your wealth is the average of your friends and well, your friends aren’t really wealthy. You would like to influence them and everyone you care about more positively.
You’re aware that your life is largely shaped by the quality and who you have relationships with on a daily basis.
You are wanting to step into more powerful roles and step up as a leader for positive change in the world.
You may or may not want to become a professional coach.
You know that Coaching is accompanied by a powerful level of understanding to help yourself and others achieve self-actualization.
In this section of our course, we will take you on a journey to ensure you can lead and communicate exceptionally. It’s about living a FULL life. A life that you choose, rather than one that’s been shaped by your society, your environment or your circumstances.
While continuing building the SUPER HUMAN YOU, we start putting everything together so are becoming world class and inspiring others in the process.
Coaching techniques are being taught in high level sales and managerial courses. In this part of the program you will be placed in to a ‘Coaching Triad’ where you will be assigned a client to coach every fortnight and you will have extra coaching from another trainee coach.
You will have the choice of who is your professional coach, and you may choose to be mentored along either a pathway for entering into official accreditation with the International Coaching Federation (ICF) or developing your own lifestyle consulting/coaching business.
Because your making all these changes step by step, with a professional by your side so much more is achievable and ultimately what this means to you is complete transformation is not just achievable, it’s just a few steps away.
However, you do not have to take my words for granted.
Check out the PUBLIC references our course creators on Linkedin, the video testimonials and countless endorsements.
What are the requirements?
- Relaxed and opened minded approach to simple and complex challenges.
- A non negotiable, 1 hour per week focused session dedicated to your program at a fixed and agreed time. IE. Every Tuesday 7-8pm.
- An ability or willingness to step out of your head and work ‘on your life’ or ‘on your business’ rather than constantly being bogged down in it.
- 100% commitment to your success.
What am I going to get from this course?
- Each week expect 5 to 40 minutes of structured content. The ‘lessons’ or framework for your journey.
- Monthly Professional Coaching Sessions.
- Depending on the level of your program, phone support, email support.
- Massively enhance your assertiveness and effectiveness.
- Increase in your earning capacity.
- Massive increases to your sex appeal and status.
- Reprogramming or release of negative thought patterns which relate to self worth, relationships, sex, and money.
- Boosting all areas of your life that you choose to focus on.
- Deep effective complete transformation.
What is the target audience?
- This program is suitable for anyone, who wants to massively boost their effectiveness and ability as future world leaders. Unlock their potential and commit to achieving excellence in the next 12 months.
- This program is not a quick fix.
- This is not a magic pill or get rich quick system. It is a system for rapidly and systematically taking you through 1 to 2 levels of psychological development to help you become SUPER HUMAN.
Catches and Conditions:
Quiet simple. As mentioned each week you must dedicate 1 hour a week to your program. As you enter the 3rd phase of the program, you may choose to be a part of a Coaching Triad. If you choose to join, you will be committing yourself to an extra coaching session with a trainee coach, and coaching someone else on real challenges faced by them. (We don’t do any pretend coaching)
Provided you meet these conditions, you will get results. Meet these conditions and don’t get results, your money is refunded. Program fees are paid 6 months in advance or monthly through a automatic subscription (Paypal or Credit Card).
Your Coach and course administrators are happy to answer any questions.