This is for anyone considering a Business Coach in China as there appears to be a lack of credible information here behind the Great Wall. For the last 7 or so years I’ve been working towards Life and Executive Coaching goals however numerous business owners in Shanghai China and my hometown in Australia have hired me as a business coach. So I’ll share some advice and insights here. Let me say that again in different words,
I haven’t been selling myself as a business coach, yet people have been asking me if I can be their business coach.
After these business owners approached me and starting getting results I learned the truth about Business Coaching in China. It shouldn’t be expensive or hard. It should be simplified.
Since 2012 Shanghai was my base. I have never met a full-time business coach, or a coach focused on business coaching. I see this in Australia but not in China. So here are my top tips and insights.
For actual “Business Coaching/Mentoring” location of both parties in my experience is irrelevant. Whats more important is results. Now, I’ve only met a tiny percentage of my clients in real life. I only work with a couple now face to face. It’s nice but it’s not necessary. Success rates are very similar, actually a bit higher for virtual coaching (Phone or video/Skype/Zoom).
I recommend Virtual more now. Not only does it remove travel time, but it also removes a lot of the fear. Imagine standing in front of 10 people and sharing darkest secrets. That can be scary. Now imagine doing it in front of an empty room. It might sound counter-intuitive but that is why phone coaching is so successful. It allows more space, reflection and insight.
Many of my clients range from managing virtual teams, C-Suite, to Partners. Generally, they know their business so much better than any business coach or advisor. Therefore, it’s not my role to tell you about how to do any of that business stuff. But through focused and open conversation we can dive down deep into business/leadership/relationship matter. You may find a completely safe, confidential and skilled companion to help you nut out answers to challenges, profound new insights perhaps methodologies to get you and your teams beyond success.
Really the best way to get an idea is to simply call or schedule a time to chat. I love to hear where you are at. What you want to achieve to make 2018 – 2020 the best years yet!
I’ve never sat down to business coach in China and actually sat there, reading over the books. It doesn’t happen. You know your books. You know your figures. A business coach brings out the best in your business by bringing out the best in it’s leaders. Business Coaching is essentially Leadership, Relationship and Life Coaching rolled into a package and it should be delivered by someone who can get results in those areas.
Remember, Business Coaches should have some form of credentials and a pile of public testimonies. Linkedin is a great way to see if they are the real deal. You probably also want to see that they are a fulltime coach.
Adrian Cahill,
3 x TEDx Speaker. Business Coach in China.
ICF PCC with over 1000 Coaching hours logged.
Coaching with a Executive/Business focus.
First business at 15. School-based business in final years.
Studied business after school. Manager by 20. 7 Years in Army.
Semi retired at 28 with passive income strategies.
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Business Coach in China